Monday, March 25, 2019

5 years down the road

5 years ago, I wrote myself a mission.. how I envision things to work out... a coaching style that speaks of me... a method that describes how I train clients.

I'd actually forgotten about it.
Until I was trying to sort out my drive.
I've never shown anyone.
My mom is the first person I'd decided to show today.
She asked "why haven't you shown anyone this, perhaps you should. Then they know you care."

Love and care come from the heart, spoken less felt more.

So this was what I had back then, and it enlightened me that truly keeping to what holds true in my heart have helped me achieve this (I have to say) for all my clients who have stayed with me. Thank you for believing in me.


<< The Pilates Journey >>

Image result for 6 principles of pilates

Est. # of sessions
Recommended Frequency
Stage 1:
Getting To Know

Understand the fundamental principles of Pilates, have an appreciation for the method. What Pilates is about and how it will change your perspective about fitness and health, and your body.
“The mind, when housed within a healthful body possesses a glorious sense of power.”
Approximately 3 months
2-3 x a week
Stage 2:
Trying/ Beginning To Understand

Approximately 3-5 months
twice a week
From experience, people who practice consistently for a year start to notice changes in their bodies, develop a different perspective about their individual fitness program, and start taking charge of their lifestyles. It is my success as a coach for you to pass this phase.
Stage 3: Incorporating Pilates into Daily Life

Having the spatial and body awareness to take principles into daily activities and other fitness programs. Performing exercises with proper alignment and posture in a balanced manner.
“Pilates develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind, and elevates the spirit.”
depends on individual
twice a week
Stage 4:
The Empowered Self

Knowing your body, having the ability to be pain-free and perform exercises safely.
“Pilates is the complete coordination of mind, body and spirit.”
depends on individual
minimally once a week (Pilates is a practice!)


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