Thursday, September 26, 2019

In due season

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Life is such- there are ups and downs, joys and disappointments, laughter and sorrow, and friends who become absolute strangers. You can't hide the truth, time will tell. You can't hide emotions, because they are real. 

It's interesting how clients (somehow know and) ask; how Di now miles away can somehow sense (and check on me); how of all time, meeting my dear friend A this evening... well, she's probably one of the few who knew me enough because of the time we spent together in our previous workplace, ran together, and shared a deeper spiritual sense than anyone whom we can render "a friend" in this industry. 

I guess that's just who I am, I am what you get. I am grateful for friends who have lent their support and advice that everything will pass. There will come a time (in due season)... Everything happens for a reason, and they remind me how truly blessed I am to know and see a person's credibility before we commit in partnership (sooner now than later). 

Keeping my dream alive, and working towards my goal as priority; I shouldn't let what happened make me that kind of person I don't want to be, and I am certain of the character of a person I wouldn't want to work with. A has always been like a big sister, and I am grateful (always) to have her part of my life, for better or for worse. 💖

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