Monday, September 23, 2019

Business in Perspective

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There're more studios popping out in Singapore, although there are few that couldn't survive the battle and eventually shut their doors. WELL... I think at the end of the day, being part of the process and having a clear direction are important "beginnings" for a (studio) business owner.

That being said, having some time now to visit a couple of friends in their new establishments gave me some insights and ascertained one very important point- there is a fine line between making money (making a living), making people happy (doing your job), and changing lives (living your passion).

I think Betsy did a great job with her set up of ODP with Julie. The natural light and clean set up of the studio set the tone of a friendly, cosy community space where you would hang out with your girlfriends and have a sweaty good time. They were clear that group classes are going to be fun and I appreciated the complementary use of the TRX suspension trainer with the reformer. Other than Club Pilates in USA, I haven't encountered any studios in Singapore that have managed to successfully marry these two. Also, very clear that they want to retain the essence of Pilates, they actually flew to Japan to train with Rebecca- founder of PSM.

Having gone through the process of helping a couple of start ups that try to marry Pilates and fitness, we have to be clear that Pilates is "foundation", working into the body to make it strong. Pilates is not another form of exercise, but it helps to make exercise more effective because of the gain in inner strength and control. If it was another form of exercise for you, what makes you different from the other commercial gyms and studios in the market?

Then there is the other spectrum of the market- Pilates Smith. I admire Regine for her effort to maximize her space and try to make the studio as whole and complete as possible. The set up is clear, their intention is clear- focused on privates and duets (personal attention), no frills, and a space where clients can work out with continuity and consistency. That is also the vision I have for clients' consistency, for them not to be over-reliant, be independent, or simply be open to having another trainer to facilitate their growth and progress.

At the end of the day, as teachers we also need our time to recharge our souls, rest our brains and renew our spirits. We are only human. Working together as a team is not easy, but certainly with the right energy and synchrony amongst good people. 

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