Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Before we know, half the year is gone... Where did all the time go!

It's been a tremendous period. The last I wrote was leaving the previous organization X and now helping out at my friend's studio Y. A learning process for all of us when it comes to organizing things to its details and communication because most of us are up and running about. 

In my opinion, the soft launch was a good indication of how things will/might run, and it also shows how we each bring out that element in us to give clients what's good for them. We have finally (albeit a tad delayed) agreed on the Open House program ↓↓↓

Call to book in for a customized mixed equipment group session! Max 5 pax per class!

Amidst all the busyness in the studio, I am also struggling (or not) to finalize details for my trip down to Boulder, CO. Accommodation, budget, what clothes/ home equipment to bring, what luggage to use, SAFETY, FRIENDS...? So all this while I was double-minded about making the trip down SOLO, because it's my first (after summer school) travelling so far out solo. (I think it comes with age, if you don't do it, you lose it- GUTS.)

Also, thankfully (all in His time) I met people who are travelling/ have lived/ are travelling to the United States. Tips on finding the right accommodation in a [legit] location helped calm my nerves a little- somehow it's the intuition that tells you that things can be done better. NEVER IGNORE YOUR GUT FEELING. Super Super delighted too, that you know someone whose family actually lives in the city that you're about to make home for the next 3 weeks (thereabouts)- double YAY YAY! The first thing I asked Dr Jesse was "can they take me out to run in the trails?" 👀🙊 Haha...

I'm now more excited as the day approaches, and I am really looking forward to dedicating my time to learn from Pat and time to practice in my own body. I also am deciding on books to bring to keep up with my readings and possibly come up with some exciting stuff! YAY!

Everything in His time reveals the course of the future. Nothing to be afraid, only to have faith- tremendous amount of faith. Faith gives hope to what's unseen, a future untold. Keep loads of faith, and know that creating history is a partnership between you and God. 

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